Saturday, December 28, 2019

10 habits that change boys into men

10 habits that change boys into men10 habits that change boys into menThe demise of ur culture will result from the demise of its men if something isnt changed quickly. Far too many men remain directionless, devastated and scared children.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moraMale suicide rate increasedto three to four times higher than the female suicide rate.Men are twice as likelyas women to become alcoholics. Andmales are far more likelyto commit juvenile crime.Much has been said and written in recent years about the challenges of men and boys. A sampling of book titles includesWhy There Are No Good Men LeftThe Demise of GuysThe End of MenWhy Boys FailThe End of Men, And The Rise of WomenBoys AdriftManning Up How The Rise Of Women Has Turned Men Into BoysA common theme is that men and boys have become increasingly confused about their identity and role in society. Kay Hymowitz, au thor ofManning Up, put it this wayIts been an alfruchtwein universal rule of civilization that whereas girls became women simply by reaching physical maturity, boys had to pass a test. They needed to demonstrate courage, physical prowess, or mastery of the necessary skills. The goal was to prove their competence as protectors of women and children this was always their primary social role. Today, however, with women moving ahead in an advanced economy, provider husbands and fathers are now optional, and the character qualities men had needed to play their role fortitude, stoicism, courage, fidelity are obsolete and even a little embarrassing.It is the norm in Hollywood films, TV and cable shows, and even commercials to portray men as incompetent, immature, or self-absorbed. This underlying message has subtly and increasingly become the collective unconscious with devastating repercussions.Academically, it is reported in the United States thatGirls outpergestalt boys now at every lev el from elementary school through graduate school.By eighth grade, only 20 percent of boys are adept in writing and 24 percent adept in reading.Young mens SAT scores in 2011 were the lowest theyve been in 40 years.According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), boys are 30 percent more likely than girls to drop out of both high school and college.In 2017, women will earn more than 60 percent of bachelors and more than 63 percent of masters degrees.Boys make up two-thirds of students in special education remedial programs.Women deserve the increased success they are getting. Theyve been oppressed forfartoo long. Theyre hungrier and more motivated than most men. And hopefully, society will continue to allow them the increased equality they deserve.However, this articles focus is on helping the struggling and confused young man. Indeed, many young men have taken the adverse cues of society as an excuse to evade responsibility and never really grow up.If you are a youn g man and youre struggling,youare not alone. This article is intended to challenge you to rethink your entire approach to life. If applied, unterstellung habits will radically set you apart from the decaying norm.1. Think BeyondYourselfKids look to their parents for all the answers. When they become teenagers they know all the answers. Many never mature out of this stage and remain incredibly narcissistic, which is displayed inthe followingwaysBelieving you are better than othersExaggerating your talents or giftsExpecting constant praise and admirationFailure to recognize other peoples emotions or feelingsExpressing disdain for those who seem inferiorTrouble keeping healthy relationshipsActing as if you have nothing to learnMoving beyond self-consciousness requires an increase in overall consciousness.By heightening your level of consciousness, youll see the brilliance of humanity in general, be able to relate deeper with others, experience greater joy, and have enhanced ability to manifest the destiny of your choosing.The followingare ways to increase your level of consciousnessAllow yourself to experience your feelings, rather than spektrum them out. Meditation is a helpful way to do this. You experience your thoughts and feelings, learn from them, then let them go.Let go of framing your idea of what should be and genuinely accept what is. The journey is the end, not simply a means to an end.Identify the meaningless things to which youve assigned meaning. Happiness and security can never be experienced when dependent on the external they can only be achieved internally.Begin trusting your inner voice. If you feel a prompting to bring an umbrella with you, even when the weather report says the contrary, bring it.Explore the world, experience new cultures, and have your paradigm shaken and reframed.Question your own intentions and motivations.Be humble about your own humanity.Act with love, and become aware when you are not.2. Stop Playing VideoGamesThere are a hostof both positive and negative effects of playing video games. However, approximately15 percent of American youthhave an unhealthy addiction to video games.Another study reportedthat 31 percent of males and 13 percent of females have felt addicted to video games.Naturally, boys have a strong need for accomplishment and challenge. Yet,studies suggestthat some of the most popular video games are disengaging boys from real-world pursuits. Boys need for accomplishment is satisfied by leveling up in the game so they dont feel the need to go out into the world and solve real problems. Thus, society is not being served by their efforts.Gaming often gets in the way of important relationships or meaningful life pursuits.15 percent of divorces are filedby women because their husband prefers video games over them.This point is particularly significant to me. I myself spent a large portion of my time in junior high and high school playing World of Warcraft. Literally thousands of hours log ged-in and lost.I see many of my high school friends and family members who are now in their late 20s and 30s continuing to play 4+ hours of video games per day even when married with kids.Playing video games isbeing toutedas a healthy way to escape reality. Yet, one must ask Is escaping reality (especially for extended periods of time) ever healthy?3. Learn In Healthy Environments And Lay-Off TheMedsThe industrial classroom model is killing our boys. It is not a healthy environment for them. Young boys need more physical stimulation.The result is that many are improperly and lazily diagnosed with ADHD. Their natural characteristics, emotions, passions, and gifts are being curbed by medications.Although it is not a popular notion, boys and girls are wired differently. Girls are often exclusively motivated by praise. They will perfect their handwriting just to have it noticed.Boys on the other hand, are often motivated by tangible experiences that relate to real life. Thus, many boys see no point in having good handwriting if one day they will spend their time typing. They dont care as much what other people think. They just want to be challenged.4. Get Intensive Physical StimulationShort and intensive learning spurts,followed by rigorous physical stimulation is a powerful and positive way for boys and men to learn. Rough-and-tumble play helps develop the frontal lobe of the brain, which is used to regulate behavior. Sadly, many public schools are removing gym class and recess, further exacerbating problems among boys.In the recent book,Spark The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain,authorsJohn J. Ratey and Eric Hagerman share some amazing science and stories. For instance, despite many schools removing gym-class from their curriculum, others have put more focus on it and found staggering results. When kids exercise in the morning, they learn far better. In fact, they improve in all areas of their lives. Human beings are holistic. Your brain, you r emotions, your relationships, are all tied together.If youre living a sedentary life as a man, youre not getting the needed stimulationyou need.Research has foundthat males thrive in kinesthetic learning environments learning through moving.Healthy Testosterone LevelsIntensive physical activity, like sprinting or heavy weight lifting (followed by extended rest periods) are a good outlet for mens need of physical stimulation. Moreover, these intensive physical activities can activate healthy levels of testosterone which produce many positive effects includingFat lossMuscle gainHealthier bone densityNormalized blood pressureLower likelihood ofobesityandheart attacksIncreased energyMore enjoyment of career and familyFeeling younger, stronger, sexier, and healthierHealthy sex driveStudies have foundthat healthy testosterone levels affect mens cognitive perfassonance, and can improve focus, motivation, and memory.The Need For PhysicalPainInterestingly, boys and girls experience pain di fferently. For boys, physical pain can be a stimulant fueling mental clarity. On the other hand, physical pain for girls can be a narcotic, making them feel hazy and confused.Ive seen this in myself. Some of my greatest insights have come while pushing myself to the extreme while doing yard work or while exercising. This phenomenon is also seen in endurance athletes who push themselves through pain for many hours at a time.5. Take Responsibility For Your Life And Set Your Standards HighIn his book,Boys Adrift,Dr. Leonard Sax explains that boysneed not want to be responsible. If they are not needed, they dont flourish.Men step down if theyre not needed. And because of societys message that men are no longer needed, many are staying in their parents basements.Although most men will not go out of their way to take on challenges and responsibility, this is the very thing they should do if they want to thrive. Indeed, it is becoming common knowledge that perception is followed by physica l experience in the form of self-fulfilling prophecy. If you believe you will succeed, you often do.If you set your sights high in life, you will achieve incredible things. In order to do this, you can no longer play the victim to circumstances. Blaming the world, your parents, school, or the challenges youve faced in life is not going to solve your problems. Its going to keep you stuck and bitter.Instead, take the time to imagine and mentally create your ideal life. Mental creationalwaysprecedes physical creation.You have the inner power to create whatever life you want to achieve. All you have to do is spend the time creating that world with intention. Write down exactly what you want in life. Set your standardsridiculouslyhigh. Dont hold anything back.Read, rewrite, and reread your ambitions often. These will soon consume your subconscious mind creating new patterns in your brain. Eventually, youll manifest the world youve been creating in your head.6. Prayer, Meditation, And Jou rnalWritingChristianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and every other religious and spiritual tradition strongly stress the significance of regular prayer. Although the form of practice may be different, the purpose is the same -GratitudeInspirationSelf-realizationDeepened connection to God/existenceThe improvement of humanity as a wholePrayer (and modifications such as meditation and gratitude journals) areregularly foundto increase physical and mental well-being.For me, I often combine prayer with journal writing as a form of meditation. I seek inspiration, direction, heightened perspective, and gratitude.Scientifically supported benefitsof prayer includeImproves self-controlMakes you nicerMakes you more forgivingIncreases your trustOffsets negative health effects of stressPeople are often turned-off by prayer, believing it is a strictly religious practice. Even if organized religion is not your thing, you can still have a positive and healthy relationship with prayer.7. Ea rn GoodFriendsYou are who you surround yourself with. Theres no way around it. If you want to evolve past your current state, you need to remove yourself from the negative forces in your life. This will not be easy. Misery loves company.However, when you decide to remove yourself from negative people and instead surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you your life will dramatically improve.Take the leap. Invite your friends to come along with you. If they dont understand your needed evolution, kindly bid them a loving farewell.8. Commit Fully ToSomeoneWere supposed to believe that relationships tie people down, that they are the death knell for creativity and ambition. Nonsense. Ryan HolidayWith all the productivity and success advice going on in the world today,very little is writtenabout the benefits of finding a spouse who supports you and makes you better.It is quite rare for people to stay committed to anything or anyone these days. There are countless fatherless children. Many seek easy sexual prey followed by the internal pit of emptiness too afraid to reveal and confront their true identity.Research has foundthat committed relationships can reduce the chance of illness and increase the length of life. Other benefits of long-term commitment in relationships includeGreater sense of life satisfactionIncreased happinessA host of practical benefits, such as shared assets and childrenLess likely toengage substance-abuseDecreased likelihood of depression and neglect of ones healthChoose your love, love your choice. Thomas MonsonI got married at age 24. Ive never felt restrained by that decision, only liberated. Now 29, we have three foster children, what most would consider a huge blow to our freedom.This could not be further from the truth in my experience. Instead, Im challenged to become a better person every day. Im challenged to think beyond my own needs and to learn patience, humility, and love.I would never make such monumental decisions without prayer, fasting, meditation, and journaling. However, when youre in a state of clarity, you can follow your intuition and consistently make good decisions. As Malcom Gladwell expounds in Blink,snap decisions are often more accurate than well-thought-out ones.Of course, marriage isnt easy. Its the hardest thing Ive ever done. But why choose the easy path? As a man, challenge and responsibility is precisely what is needed to thrive.9. Fall In Love WithLearningOrdinary people seek entertainment. Extraordinary people seek education and learning.We now live in a world where you no longer need to go to college (or high school) to become educated. At your fingertips is an unlimited and ever-increasingly well of information. You can become an expert at anything.Many of the worlds most successful people attribute their success to a love for learning. They often read one or more books per week. With a few books, you can learn how to build wealth, healthy relationships, and the life of your dreams.With more information and education, you will make better lifestyle choices. Youll be less likely to have destructive addictions and make ignorant decisions.Youll be more likely to surround yourself with brilliant people, learn new languages and explore the world, come up with solutions to the worlds problems, and have passion and zest for life.Stop gaming and start reading. Therealworld awaits. And its amazing.10. Take BiggerRisksDont fail by default. Richard Paul EvansRichard Paul Evans, the famous writer, often tells a story of being a shy high school kid. In one of his classes, he sat next to the girl of his dreams. He spent an entire year wishing he could work up the courage to ask her out. But he never ended up talking to her.Why would she be interested in a loser like me?he would say to himself.A few years later, at a high school reunion, they met and talked.I just have to ask Why didnt you ever ask me out?she asked.I always liked you and hoped you would talk to me.Evans was shocked.He had been wrong that entire time and missed the opportunity he spent over a year dreaming about. In that moment, he determined toneverfail by default again.If Im going to fail, Im going to fail big,he has said.If I fail, Im going to fail after giving it everything Ive got.Stop playing life small. Date people that seem absurdly out of your league. Theyre not only in your head.Dont be conservative in your career until youre in your 40s. There is little risk while youre young, energetic, and motivated. Now is the time to take huge risks. Embrace rejection and failure. In turn, embrace enormous and unimaginable success.ConclusionYou can have whatever life you choose.Dont be afraid to dream big for yourself.Have the courage to seize that life and trulylive, rather than only imagining living.The world needs you.How I Turned $25,000 Into $374,592 In Less Than 6MonthsIve created a free training that will teach you how to become world-class and successful at anything y ou choose.Access the free trainingherenowThis article first appeared on Medium.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Monday, December 23, 2019

Your Side Hustle May Help You Land Your Dream Job

Your Side Hustle May Help You Land Your Dream Job Your Side Hustle May Help You Land Your Dream Job When I say side hustle, Im not only talking about a side business. Im alsotalking about all of the little things you do aside from your day job or career. This includes volunteer work, freelance work, hobbies, and even part-time work.I spoke with two separate clients last week who didnt mention the extra work theyd been doing because they didnt think it would benefit their resumes. The funny thing is that both clients left off pieces of information that could potentially score them their dream positions.The Power of Side HustlesWhen I first started college, I applied for a PR internship in San Francisco. I didnt have a huge amount of office experience, but I had worked at the front desk in a cupcake shop. I didnt think much about it, and Iconsidered the position to be filler onmy resume, but it turned out that the PR company had just landed a major cupcake shop as one of itsclients. The company wasthrilled that I had inside experience. I dont know if this was the deciding factor in landing the internship,but I do know that a jobI thought wasinconsequentialended up weighing heavily in my favor.Another great example of when highlighting your side hustle can be extremely beneficial is when you are between jobs. Almost everyone will have that experience in their lifetime, and mora and mora employers have come to understand that its a natural result of the market. However, whats really important what will really wow potential employers is what you do during the interim.If youre in between jobs, try doing some volunteer work that is related to your industry and career. For example, if youre in marketing or events management, you can offer to help plan an event at alocal charity or school. Whilevolunteer workmay not be a traditional job or a source of income, it will boost the power of your resume and showcase your motivation, work ethic, and sense of community.When someone hands me aresume showing that their last job ended more thana month ago, my first thought is always, What have they been doing this whole time? Employers will have similar thoughts, so be sure to fill your gap time with valuable work.Everyone needs a break at some point, and there is nothing wrong with taking a little time for yourself when youre in between jobs. However, if your transition lasts for more than a month or two, you need to be sure you are staying active in your industry. As mentioned above, volunteering is a great way to do this, but there are other options as well. Taking classes or adopting a constructive hobby (e.g., building websites or starting an industry-related blog) are also great ways to show employers that you arent just sitting around all day, waiting for your next role to land in your lap.Today, it is rare to have a perfect career path, and most people do a lot more than just their day jobs. If you are one of those people, dont be afraid to show offeverything you do even the things that arent directly related to your career.Remember, your side hustle may just help you land your dream job.Michele Lando is a certified professional resume writer and the founder of Write Styles.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

4 compelling reasons you need to be more self-aware

4 compelling reasons you need to be more self-aware4 compelling reasons you need to be more self-awareIn the FBI Academy, we trained how to run down and tackle individuals who resisted arrest. I was a lousy runner and came up at the rear of every race. The idea that I could run down or even catch up with a suspect produced snarky comments and rolled eyes from my classmates.My ego took a big hit, but I also knew my competence as an FBI agent must be grounded in reality. I needed to be self-aware so I could make an honest assessment of my skills and strengths. Only at that point could I plan for ways to grow my strengths so I could manage my weaknesses.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreHow important is self-awareness? Astudy by Green Peak Partners and Cornell Universityexamined the performance of 72 executives from a variety of companies. It found that a high self-awareness score wa s the strongest predictor of overall success.As entrepreneurs, business owners and leaders, self-awareness is essential to yur success. Its stupid to pretend that you dont have flaws or weaknesses. Instead, be smart and get ahead of them so they dont sabotage you when youre confronted with a stressful situation.Here are four compelling reasons you need to be more self-aware1. Understand how you come across to othersThe way we perceive ourselves is distorted, but most of us are not self-aware enough to recognize it If we dont want to be known as stingy, arrogant or self-righteous, we dont look for those qualities in ourselves. Of course, we readily identify those qualities in other people If we want to be perceived as competent, polite and generous, guess what? Those are the qualities we find in ourselves.There is enough ego in all of us to produce a flattering self-stellung that might not be congruent with how others see us. The way we see ourselves is often an illusion, and it can be a dangerous one if we misjudge how we come across to our colleagues and supervisors.Conversely, if you suffer from a lack of self-esteem, you could be undermining your position and chances for advancement as you navigate the quagmire of office politics.How to make it work for you Be mentally tough enough to keep your ego in check. Ask trusted friends or colleagues to give an honest evaluation of how you come across to others in a variety of situations. Dont take the easy route and ask for feedback on your best behavior. Let the good, the bad and the ugly hang out, and be brave enough to push for honest answers.2. Become aware of your deepest needsSince we all possess a somewhat muddled and inaccurate image of how we come across to others, it shouldnt be a shock to learn that we tend to justify our motives through rose-colored glasses as well. In fact, psychologists believe its important that our brain sees a clear connection between our thoughts, emotions and behavior. This stron g connection leads to good mental health. However, thinking or feeling one way and then behaving in a different manner causes cognitive dissonance, and we experience anxiety and stress as we try to justify the behavior.Behavioral science has proven that human beings are motivated by several needs. At a basic level is the biological drive to eat, drink and sleep. Another motivator is reward and punishment, such as when we work for a salary and are rewarded with a paycheck. It is the third motivator that requires self-awareness - the things we pursue because they bring us joy and contentment.Shelley E. Taylor, UCLA psychology professor,has argued that we are wired to nurture others and care for their needs.These are the hidden needs that ennoble the human spirit, but they also take effort and time to process because they are complicated and complex drivers of our behavior. Too often we settle for a fleeting emotion such as happiness because its both instant and a popular meme. But, a t the end of the day, our deepest need is to make a contribution to society that is meaningful to us.How to make It work for youYou can move toward a deeper and enduring sense of what motivates you if you are self-aware. Ask yourself, What do I really want? Another great question to ask yourself at the end of each day is this Was I better today than yesterday? Again, ask trusted colleagues or friends for feedback, but make sure it is honest and constructive.3. Create a mindset that winsIf you think of yourself as flexible and resilient, you will do much better in both business and life. Your image of who you are influences how you behave and thus becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.Carol Dwecks research at Stanford Universityhas determined that if we view a trait as mutable, we are inclined to work on it more. On the other hand, if we view a trait such as IQ or willpower as unchangeable, well make little effort to improve it.Dweck is well-known for her work on fixed vs. growth mindse t. People with a fixed mindset believe their basic abilities, intelligence and talents are fixed traits. They have a certain amount of talent and nothing will change it. People with a growth mindset, however, believe that their talents and abilities can be developed through effort and persistence.If you create a growth mindset, you have the mental toughness to learn from criticism rather than ignore it to overcome challenges rather than avoid them and find inspiration in the success of others rather than feel threatened.Self-aware people can create a growth mindset thats focused on personal growth because they believe they can improve and develop their skills.How to make It work for youThe best way to change the type of person that you believe you are is through small, repeated actions. Focus on the process, not the outcome. Dont worry about how to write a best-seller instead, commit to publishing your ideas on a consistent basis. Its not about the result. Its about how to create a mindset that enjoys the results.4. Prevent self-deceptionAccording to psychologists, our tendency for self-deception stems from our desire to impress others. We convince ourselves of our capabilities in the process.Human beings are masters of self-deception. We lie to ourselves about why we like to wear designer clothes, drive nahe daran sein cars and climb the corporate ladder. Most of the time, were completely unaware of the deception going on in our minds.Companies lose serious money every year due to their employees lack of self-awareness. Inaccurate self-assessment leads to sales targets that cant be met, deadlines that cant be carried out and performances that are promised but not delivered.Interestingly, most of us have no trouble seeing through the delusions of our colleagues We recognize the bumbling idiot who postures for a promotion or the incompetent supervisor who mumbles in meetings.If we are self-aware and see ourselves with greater clarity, we are more likely to land on our feet when confronted with the unexpectedHow to make It work for you Honesty is the best tool to combat self-deception. It means we will need to look in the mirror and take responsibility for who we are. Honesty requires a deliberate effort on a daily basis. We must learn to observe our emotions, thoughts and behavior without judgment or evaluation. If we are self-aware, it is easier for us to focus our mind, concentrate and direct our attention toward activities that will give us the opportunity to change.This article originally appeared on LaRae Quy.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Friday, December 13, 2019

Up to 7,000 Presidential Appointee Jobs Set to Open Up

Up to 7,000 Presidential Appointee Jobs Set to Open UpUp to 7,000 Presidential Appointee Jobs Set to Open UpUp to 7,000 Presidential Appointee Jobs Set to Open UpOct. 15th, 2012. In the days and months following the Nov. 6, 2012, elections, a torrent of up to 7,000 jobs federal jobs will open up, to be filled by appointees of the incoming president, whether its Mitt Romney or President Barack Obama.These executive and staff-level jobs some subject to Congressional confirmation with a galaxy of federal agencies, offices and programs in the executive and legislative branches, are given to Americans who have demonstrated political loyalty to the president-elect and who possess the knowledge, skills and passion required by the specific position for which theyve applied. These non-career jobs fall outside the Civil tafelgeschirr system.Interested parteies can learn about the nature of appointee positions that might be vacated in early January, 2013, by visiting the Plum Book Presidentia l Appointee List of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. The administration of the president to be inaugurated Jan. 20 will create a web page for applications for appointee positions. The Presidential Appointee Application Page is the Obama administrations current page for this purpose.Even if President Obama is re-elected, a good number of these positions will be vacated toward the end of the year as some incumbent appointees decide to leave the administration for other opportunities in Washington, their home states or elsewhere. If Mr. Romney is elected, the number of openings will be far greater, as appointees of an outgoing president are typically required to tender their resignations.Now is the time for aspiring political appointees of the incoming president to lay the groundwork for their pursuit of these so-called Schedule C positions, before the free-for-all begins on Nov. 7. Political loyalty is typically a prerequisite for these jobs, so those who expect to seek these positions are expected to be working hard for their party and presidential candidate through the campaign season.Successful candidates for these appointments arent shy about contacting local, state or federal politicians or party officials to make known their interest. The longer ones political relationship and the higher the official contact, the greater the chances that a qualified candidate will be chosen.The next step for aspirants is to research appointee positions and choose one thats well-suited to his or her professional background. Candidates typically build a targeted resume from the ground up for these positions, emphasizing the specialized experience and mission-specific skills that they would bring to the organization.The Resume distributions-mix has been writing Schedule C applications for six incoming Presidential Elections. Here are the most important tips for a successful appointee resume The resumes should be very detailed and can be long, perhaps 3 or 4 pages. The resume should summarize and then detail the applicants accomplishments, skills experience, education, training and certifications. A one-page description of the candidates volunteer efforts in behalf of the president-elects party should also be included. The resume should sell the candidate and explicitly address all of the position, agency and office requirements.For information about writing and consulting services for Schedule C Presidential Appointee Resumes and Cover Letters click here. (You may request a free estimate.)Its also important to draft in advance a cover letter or letter of interest that matches the candidates skills with the targeted position, and expresses his or her devotion to the mission of the job and agency. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alitos application for his first job at the Justice Department is a great example of a passionate expression of interest in a federal job.View Judge Alitos SF-171 Application.The candidate should prepare a comprehensive and d etailed list of contacts including email addresses, phone numbers and addresses that might be useful in the frantic first days of lobbying for the job.Candidates should be ready to dress the part in case their partys presidential candidate wins and they need to travel to Washington on short notice to meet with powerful people ranging from hiring managers to senators. Classic, conservative business dress and clean-cut grooming are the rule for the nations capitol. Well-prepared candidates will arrive with business cards in hand and resumes printed on off-white stock.After Election Day, and assuming the success of the applicants choice for president, his or her online presence, including LinkedIn profile, should be updated to include party affiliation. The LinkedIn profile should be refined to put forward the candidates qualifications for the targeted presidential-appointee job.When they land in Washington to meet with the officials who will determine the success of their search, ca ndidates should have a well-rehearsed pitch and be psyched up to convey their passion for the job. After initial hurdles in the application process are cleared, job candidates can set themselves fremdlndisch from the likely formidable competition by carefully researching the targeted agencys current and upcoming projects, budget, most difficult challenges and strategic objectives.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Choosing Linkedin Resume Assistant Is Simple

Choosing Linkedin Resume Assistant Is Simple People today make common resume and LinkedIn mistakes all of the time heres the way to avoid them. Before you commence writing your resume, you have to figure out which sections will be contained in your resume. An individual can also invite other people to make edits. Naturally, you can earn permission changes and see the real-time edits made by other people. Look for a job which you would want to submit an application for that has the LinkedIn easy apply option. Its essential to note that in the event you get a public profile on LinkedIn, your skill descriptions might also be employed by the Resume Assistant. There are two methods to begin utilizing the Resume Assistant. Individuals sometimes utilize various versions of their resume tailored to distinct jobs. Therefore, if you discover another LinkedIn user whose Experience section looks tailor-made for you, you are going to want to use caution in borrowing it, as doing so c an result in a plagiarism case. If you really need to highlight you dont miss work frequently, stick good attendance in there someplace. Youve got extensive experience managing people, together with being educated and addressing the overall public. Identify the objective of your resume. Vital Pieces of Linkedin Resume Assistant The LinkedIn URL ought to go in the header along with the remainder of your contact details. You might want to change the file names so that you know which is which. As always, you can spare a page for a template for fast edits. With industry-specific text examples ready that you personalize, you can make a perfect resume any moment. Using Linkedin Resume Assistant Finding the fruchtwein suitable words to spell out your final job no longer has to be a thesaurus-combing ordeal. An important portion of the job includes communication and coordinating with people throughout the business, and sometimes with clients too, based on the sort of business. T he point is to make you sound amazing on paper, so you have the interview. You may adore the ideas of your favourite candidate, but theres a 50% chance you will interview with somebody who disagrees and backs your politicians opponent. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Linkedin Resume Assistant Including a URL to a lousy LinkedIn profile will do more damage than good. One of the absolute most important sections of LinkedIn is your profile. The great thing is that you may also add resume on LinkedIn. There are two methods to receive your resume onto LinkedIn. If you would like to change your resume on LinkedIn later, just stick to the process above. Furthermore, dont utilize buzzwords if you dont understand what they mean. The History of Linkedin Resume Assistant Refuted If you know the companies youre targeting, take a fast look to find out what file types they accept. The tool also helps users see key skills for the kind of job theyre searching for. To make sure y our resume is getting seen, you should optimize it for the acceptable keyword phrases. Use the following suggestions to make your resume really stick out. Things You Wont Like About Linkedin Resume Assistant and Things You Will Meanwhile, if you require assistance with writing a CV or job posting, weve got virtual assistants who can assist. The very first of our resume writing tips might seem like a no-brainer. Resumes are generally a little restrictive as you abide by an overall format. Most resumes incorporate the next sections, even though the order is dependent upon the resume format you select. To make the most of Resume Assistant, you need simply to select your preferred role and industry. Currently Resume Assistant is unavailable in britain, but nevertheless, it ought to be rolled out to this industry soon. Furthermore, you can look for production assistant jobs on Monster. Whenever you make your resume private, employers cannot discover your resume, so they cannot contact you if they think you may be appropriate for employment. When you submit an application for work, the employer might also have a look at your LinkedIn profile to find out more about you. Linkedin Resume Assistant Secrets That No One Else Knows About Ensure your profile is left up to date instead of merely a repeat of your resume. It should include a few crowd-pleaser items that will appeal to a wider audience. If you would like to reconnect to a particular session, you are going to want to figure out the session process ID number. You are not going to find any names or personally identifiable information.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

What Everybody Else Does When It Comes to About Me Templates and What You Must Do Different

What Everybody Else Does When It Comes to About Me Templates and What You Must Do Different A site builder is basically online tool that has whatever you need so that you dont need to move from 1 website or one service to another in your search for website-making. For instance, the platform permits users to auto-renew certain listings, meaning the item is simply delisted for a minimum time. In the ideal case scenario, listing templates offer you a quick and effective method to list your merchandise on eBay, in a professional way. The templates youre going to receive in the member area are in high excellent stock. The about Me Templates Chronicles Theres no limit concerning how many templates can be made, and there isnt any extra price tag. There isnt any limit on the number of templates youll be able to create with WidgetChimp. ur legal templates will remain individual The company form templates are a breeze to use and free. Vendios eBay templates arrive in a number of s tyles for each season, holiday and occasion. Use provides a generous number of free eBay listing templates for each sort of on-line business out there. Needless to say, Microsoft provides a whole lot of business plan templates for Office users (it is possible to get birthday invitations as youre at it). Uses eye-catching templates can enable you to get your clients attention because they can display at least a hundred images per page. Aside from the excellence of services, the last product and the turnaround time, you should think about the selection of calendars depicting your company portfolio. The ideal business calendars have finishes which make them more noticeable. If your company will sell physical products and you anticipate keeping inventory on hand, then you will need to define how many months of inventory you prefer to keep on hand. Your second revenue stream company is not likely to take off in 2-3 days. Top Choices of about Me Templates There are lots of quite feminine designs and likewise some neat animated ones. You dont have to change images or descriptions, youre simply selecting a different theme. Everyday new templates are being released into the market which provides different characteristics and options. Our PSD design templates are the ideal method to showcase your organization card designs in all their aesthetically-pleasing glory. Top about Me Templates Secrets Business calendars representing the essence of your company, along with the products and services, can be ordered from the printing supplier. Enter expenses you anticipate incurring for your enterprise. If youve got a present small business, commercial loans may be obtained, which are based on a range of factors. Promoting and marketing a business in the modern world demands a whole lot of strategic planning.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Do You Want Attention or Respect

Do You Want Attention or Respect Do You Want Attention or Respect Seth Godin has an interesting post today that dovetails with something Ive been thinking he talks about the difference between grabbing attention and having people want to buy from youMichael Jackson, Fidel Castro and Sarah Palin created drama. Paying attention, though, is the not the same as buying or respecting. Its possible to achieve both, but not easy.I was thinking about this after seeing a couple of stories about people who found creative ways to look for a job you know the kind of story the guy who walks around downtown Manhattan with a sandwich board, or the one whose wife makes a website for him called That idea was so successful that it made CNN the only problem is that it made CNN months ago and when I checked the site today, it seems that her husband still needs a job. In fact, he posted this on his blogI think there might be a sweet spot in there between craigslist and Link edIn. If we can combine the simplicity and directness of craigslist with the networking ability of LinkedIn, we might have something there. Well, Im working on it. Hopefully I can turn myhusbandneedsajob into a useful tool and job board to actually help job seekers find a job. Stay tunedSo all that media attention didnt turn into a job. And now Mike is maybe going to set up his own business trying to help other people find a job (even though he hasnt found one himself).Who knows why Mike didnt get many interviews, but one possibility is that he didnt take the initiative to set up the website himself. Maybe employers saw his wife as the enterprising one? Whatever the reason, Seth is right. Attention doesnt necessarily equal respect. Something to think about if youre looking for creative ways to further your job search.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Interview Questions to Ask Overqualified Candidates

Interview Questions to Ask Overqualified CandidatesInterview Questions to Ask Overqualified CandidatesInterview Questions to Ask Overqualified Candidates DezubeFor many small geschftlicher umgang owners, finding the right job candidate to grow the businesscan be akin to convincing someone whos out of your league to date you.After all, small business growth often depends on a strategy for successfully recruiting large company employees.The rub hire the overqualified candidate and you may end up with an employee who continues to job hunt while hes working for you.departure by reviewing the right interview questions to ask the overqualified candidate.Competition for Talent Heats UpThe recession gave small companies an opportunity to hire better employees. As the economy begins to recover, many small business owners plan to hire in 2011 to help cultivate business growth.Yet a more competitive hiring environment will require a better recruiting strategy.A well-prepared interview will enab le you to differentiate candidates who look overqualified on paper from those who can help boost your firms expansion.It will also prevent a real-life version of the episode of The Office in which James Spader plays a hilariously overqualified candidate steam-rolling over the selection panel as he interviews for the bosss job.abflug with Company HistoryWhen interviewing applicants who are more qualified, older or more experienced, begin by asking an interview question that creates an equal footing. Start by talking about how you got your business to where it is today, suggests Nan Langowitz, professor of management and entrepreneurship at Babson College.Share your vision for the company and what you need such as a more diversified distribution channel. Conclude with a question How can your expertise help me?Interview Questions that Assess SkillThe best interview questionsincorporate what you know about your business and what your business needs. For instance, list the skills and ch aracteristics that keep you from expanding your business. Then create interview questions that probe how the candidate used those skills in the past, says Lori Davila, author of Perfect Phrases for Perfect Hiring Hundreds of Ready-to-Use Phrases for Interviewing and Hiring the Best Employees.Your list of characteristics can then be used to create a values-based interview strategy that will enable you to match the candidate to your corporate culture.How Soon Will the Honeymoon End?After discussing the skills and characteristics that are specific to the job, delve into the challenges facing any overqualified candidate motivation, small-business environment limitations and what happens when the honeymoon ends.To go after motivation, ask What allows you to be successful? Youll be surprised at the answers you get back, Langowitz says.Theres no sense in hiding what you are as a company, Langowitz says. Cultural-values questions will tell you how a candidate would handle the limitations th at are inherent to your small business environment. You might describe a recent business trip where you stayed in an economy hotel watch for body language as you listen to what the person says in response to your revelations.Then, move on to organizational challenges by asking questions such as Tell me about a time you had to do an assignment with limited resources. What did you do? What were the results? What frustrated you? What invigorated you? What external resources did you tap?Opening the Company KimonoEventually, you have to find a way to tactfully ask without putting yourself or your firm down why such a fabulous job candidate would want to work for your company.Start with a subtle exploration of the job seekers priorities, values and interactions with others, says Lin Grensing-Pophal, author of Human Resource Essentials Your Guide to Starting and Running the HR Function with questions like Tell me about a personal decision you made and later regretted? What was the decisi on and situation? How did you resolve the issue?Then approach the issue directly How do you feel about coming to this position from your last position? Im curious about why this company is interesting to you and what would keep you here.Finish with open-ended interview questions What concerns do you have about the organizations size or culture? What would you like to ask me?Avoid candidates who ask only about things that affect them, such as time off or pay. Instead, focus on applicants whose responses and questions reflect an interest in how they can benefit you and your companys growth.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How to Face a Personal Career Crisis and Come Out Smiling

How to Face a Personal Career Crisis and Come Out Smiling How to Face a Personal Career Crisis and Come Out Smiling Typically, if you do face a midlife crisis, it willtake the form of a career-identity crisis. You may lose your sense of purpose in life and your sense of identity. Rather than just hating your manager or feeling bored atyour job, you may feel that your entire chosen career path is meaningless.The good news is that there are plenty of things you can do to effectively manage your personal career crisis and come out the other side smiling. Hereare fourtips to help you do just that.1. Take Some Comfort in the Fact You Are Not AloneReports suggest that around half of workers may feelunfulfilled intheir current jobs, so chances are thatplenty of kindred spirits exist around you in the office. These are people with whom you can share your pain and from whom you can seek advice. You can bounce ideas off ofthese people and clarify your thoughts. Some of these peoplemay have a lready gone through the saatkorn crisis, and others may be currently going through it, but all across the board theymay have some practical suggestions.2. See Your Crises as a Career Transition InsteadWe live in a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) world, a time of boom and bust, a global environment in whichcompanies and political regimes rise and fall seeminglyovernight.This volatility is felt in thework world the traditional job-for-life has all but evaporated. Todays worker may have between 15 and 20 jobs over the course of their lifetime, according to certain predictions.Furthermore,a 2006 study from New York Universitys School of Continuing and Professional Studiesfoundthat todays professionals are expected to change careers three times in their lifetimes just 28 percent of present-day professionals expect to have lifelong careers.Becausecareer changes are so common and normal, it may serve little purpose to view your career shakeupas a crisis. Instead, take th e more productive route and view it as a career transition opportunity.3. Go on aVision Quest (Metaphorically Speaking)A vision quest isa rite of passage practiced onNative American cultures. It is a meditative exercise in whichthe individual spends a fewdays and nights secluded in nature in order to do some deep thinking and find spiritual guidance and purpose.Now, this exact activity might not be everyones cup of tea, but the concept of taking time out of your normal life to open your mind up to newpossibilities is a sound one.Why sit around your office orapartment, moping and wallowing in self-pity, when you can go on a retreat, take a few days vacation somewhere, and let the answers find you? Youll be able to think outside of the box and consideryour career in a much more liberated way, freeing your mind and enabling you to come up with some solutions to your crisis.Dont rule out any options at this stage, however strange the may seem. The professional vision quest is a brainsto rming exercise, so just enjoy the journey. Therell be plenty of time for realism soon.4. Come Back Down to Earth and Make a PlanOnce youve had time to brainstorm on your vision quest, its time to make a plan, which involves conductingyour own personal SWOT analysis.Lookat your strengths and weaknesses, your career opportunities and your career threats. Try tomatch your strengths and desires to viable alternative career options and opportunities. Understand what youll need to do in terms of training and thesort of title or position sacrifices you may need to make in order to be a credible candidate on your desired new career path. Also, identify the likely career transition period how long will it take you? Six months? A year? Two years?After following these steps, you should have acareer transition strategy and a positive direction in which to enthusiastically channel all of yourprecious, nervous energy. It could and should be the start of a wonderful journey